sabato 27 marzo 2010

Le petit prince

Moi, si je possède un foulard,
je puis le mettre autour de mon cou et l'emporter.
Moi, si je possède une fleur, je puis cueillir ma fleur et l'emporter.
Mais tu ne peux pas cueillir les étoiles!

(Io, se possiedo un fazzoletto,
posso metterlo intorno al collo e portarmelo via.
Io, se possiedo un fiore,
posso cogliere il mio fiore e portarlo con me.
Ma tu non puoi raccogliere le stelle!)


"Non possiamo essere rinnovati
se non abbiamo l'umiltà di riconoscere
ciò che in noi ha bisogno di esserlo".

Madre Teresa di Calcutta

martedì 23 marzo 2010

Dance with You

Sittin' on the beach
the island king of love
deep in fijian seas
deep in some blissful dream
where the goddess finally sleeps
in the lap of her lover
subdued in all her rage
and I am aglow with the taste
of the demons driven out
and happily replaced
with the presence of real love
the only one who saves

I wanna dance with you
I see a world where people live and die with grace
the karmic ocean dried up and leave no trace
I wanna dance with you
I see a sky full of the stars that change our minds
and lead us back to a world we would not face

The stillness in your eyes
convinces me that I
I don't know a thing
and I been around the world
and I've tasted all the wines
a half a million times
came sickened to your shores
you show me what this life is for

I wanna dance with you
I see a world where people live and die with grace
the karmic ocean dried up and leave no trace
I wanna dance with you
I see a sky full of the stars that change our minds
and lead us back to a world we would not face
in this altered state
full of so much pain and rage
you know we got to find a way to let it go

Sittin' on the beach
the island king of love
deep in fijian seas
deep in the heart of it all
where the goddess finally sleeps
after eons of war and lifetimes
she smilin' and free, nothin' left
but a cracking voice and a song, oh lord...

domenica 21 marzo 2010


Felice primavera
di primule e di vento,
di giochi da giocare,
di sogni da sognare,
2000 sogni belli
2000 sogni belli...